Grade Level: 8th
Title of the Days Lesson:
Ancient Greece Transportation: The students will figure out what types of transportation were used in ancient Greece. They then will pick one of the types and modify it to make Greek travel easier and faster. For example, electric oars on their ships. The student will then write about why they changed what they did.
-17 Pictures of different modes of transportation (7 are of ancient transportation, Ten are transportation we have now days.)
-Art Supplies
(Construction paper, glitter, markers, crayons, Popsicle sticks, magazines, cardboard, paint, paint brushes)
Teacher Preparation:
Get all the pictures of types of transportation, and have them taped up on the wall. Collect all the art supplies that will be used. Know the types of transportation and what they were used for.
MN Academic Strand and Sub-Strand:
World History: Classical Civilizations and World Religions 1000 BC to 600 AD.
NCSS Strand and Sub-Strand:
Time Continuity and Change: Identify and describe selected historical periods and patterns of change within and across cultures such as the rise of civilizations, the development of transportation systems, the growth and breakdown of colonial systems and others
Lesson Goal:
Students will learn the culture of ancient Greece.
Lesson Objective:
The students will be able to recognize the types of transportation that were used in Greece in ancient times.
Introductory Experience: 13 min
-Have the 17 different types of transportation pictures all over the front of the room. (Car, truck, types of boats, ships, horses, mules, trains, bus, carriage, plane, ox, helicopter, bikes, motorcycle, walking, etc)
- As a class go over what all the types of transportation are up on the board. (3 min)
-Students will then be called to come up to the board and take down a picture of a type of transportation that they believe was not part of the ancient Greek culture.
-While they are taking down a picture they must explain why they think this was not part of ancient Greek culture. (10 min)
-If someone chooses a form of transportation that was used, explain why it was and what it is used for.
-After all the wrong forms of transportation were taken down we would talk about the types of transportation that were left, and how they were used in ancient Greece.
Developmental Experience: 27 min
-After explaining how each of the seven different modes of transportation were used in Greece hand out the directions sheet and review what’s on it. The students then have to choose one of the modes of transportation they like best. This excludes walking. (2 min)
-Once they choose a type of transportation they have to think of a way that they would have changed that particular method to make Greek travel easier or faster.
-Once they have decided what they were going to change they have to create a project that shows that mode of transportation with that improvement included. They can make a painting and model or a drawing. This is their project so they can create their transportation however they would like to do it.
-They can use all the different types of art supplies that were brought into the classroom. (18 min)
-After they are done making their project they then must write a paragraph on why this modification would have helped the Greeks. (5 min)
-Once the students are done, the students may walk around the room and look at other student’s work and what they changed. (2 min)
-They will then turn these activities in when they are done with them. If they don’t finish it is due the next class period.
Culminating Experience: 5 min
-Explain to students this is how changes to technology start. It starts because someone has an idea in how to improve it. (2 min)
-Review what all the types of transportation that the ancient Greeks used.
-The students will then write a paragraph/ half page reflection on which types of transportation they would prefer to use. Would they like to use the ancient Greeks types of transportation or modern ways of transportation we use today and why. (3 min)
-The students will then turn in their reflection to be graded for participation.
Throughout the day I will be watching the students and listening to their explanations. Especially in how they are explaining how they know certain modes of transportation were not part of ancient Greek culture. I will be looking over their reflections to see why they changed the certain aspect of transportation they did. I also will give them participation points for their personal reflection they did at the end of class. Lastly, I will be looking at all of the students’ art projects and hanging them around the room.
Modes of Transportation in Ancient Greece
1. Make a mode of transportation that was previously talked about in class and is up on the board. (The student may not use walking)
2. Once you have chosen a type of transportation think of one way to change that type of transportation to improve the way of life for the Greeks. For example, If they choose to change the ship they may give it electronic oars so they did not need to row themselves.
3. After deciding on the transportation and change, use the art supplies provided to create it. This can be a painting, a drawing, a cutout, or a model. It is up to you.
4. There will be time provided in class to finish, but if more time is needed it is due the following class period.
5. Once finished with the project, write a paragraph on why the changes were made to the type of transportation, and how it will help the Greeks out.
6. When everything is done turn it in to receive credit.
The project is worth 25 points
Types of Transportation In Ancient Greece
Ox: Pulled heavy things for people.
Chariot: They were used in battle and later used for games.
Walking: Moving around the city they lived in.
Mules: Moved light cargo and people. Also used for going up mountains
Ships: Go long distances over water for cargo and military purposes.
Horses: People rode them, and they pulled Chariots but very rarely used
Sailboats: Easy to get from one island to another and for leisure.
Types of Transportation Not In Ancient Greece
All were invented after ancient Greece time. There wasn’t gas, which many of these things need.
Speed Boat
Cruise Ship